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Quick out the mosquito-repellent incense
Although point mosquito repellent to avoid mosquito bites, but the taste is overweight feel hard to breathe, so the mosquito-repellent ... ...

Coating resin lenses can wash it with detergent

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Total hits: 1122
Posted on: 05/06/16
Just go with a pair of glasses optician wash it too much trouble, wash your own it, afraid of the lens obscured. 

Neutral detergent, can wash the lens, so over the years I have been washed, no problem. Soap and bath gel, because it contains moisturizing ingredients that will leave a layer of oil on the lens surface as the same mark, after wearing like fog, like how water can not afford to rush, or just wash it thoroughly with detergent. Remember, do not rub with a cloth after washing, drying or dried up

We are dish washing liquid manufacturer, we make all kinds of best dish washing liquid. Different flavor, different sizes, different packaging.

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