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Detergent to wash bowl of poisonous

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Total hits: 1160
Posted on: 04/17/16
Toxic ah, it's best not to use, but also the cleaning residue, this kind of situation general detergent can be used to clean the kitchen supplies, then clean it with clean water after cleaning applications, generally do not significantly affect the health. Detergent manufacturers - a tout its product non-toxic, has a paralyzing effect on people, do not pay attention to when using multiple flush with water. Consumption of detergent residue particles can cause colitis, gastroenteritis, and digestive system dysfunction. However, the number of detergent into the human body is minimal, so it was -- in time there will be no obvious symptoms. But over time, can lead to disease. At ordinary times, some people feel the gastrointestinal discomfort, often attributed to eating unclean food, actually very may be associated with detergent residues accumulating too much. At the same time, in the use of detergent, about 30% had skin lesions, symptoms of dry rough as most. Because, detergent Ken has degreasing effect. Tableware in removing oil pollution at the same time, also damage the protective layer of the skin. General speaking, the greater the concentration, the greater the damage. Must use detergent, detergent diluted before use first, and pay attention to more than a few times.

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