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Detergent to wash dishes

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Total hits: 1165
Posted on: 04/07/16
Detergent can not wash the dishes, the main components of the detergent is alkyl sulfonate, fatty alcohol ether sodium sulfate, foaming agent, solvent, essence, pigment, preservative, etc. Therefore, the use of detergent to wash the dishes, residual detergent may pose a threat to health. That how to properly wash fruits and vegetables, please look at the following methods:

Strawberry, waxberry, mulberries, spinach, garden chrysanthemum, Chinese little greens, Chinese cabbage and other vegetables, high water content, thin skin and relatively fragile, easy to damage. Wash the fruit and vegetable, to join in containers, about 30-40 ℃ warm water, estimates that just can't after the water in the fruits and vegetables, while "hot" in a suitable amount of potato or sweet potato starch, starch and water ratio is about 1:20. Will mix starch solution, and then rinse off with clear water will have the fruits and vegetables and let it soak for about 3-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. Potato or sweet potato starch granules is bigger, can effective adsorption and remove dirt on the surface of fruits and vegetables.

Fruit such as cherry, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, carrots, stem classes and melons vegetables such as balsam pear, the relative "is a bit hard" the skin of fruits and vegetables clean strawberry arbutus above methods are available, and also to rinse again, then directly dried potato or sweet potato starch gently rub it again, final reoccupy clear water is rinsed clean thoroughly.

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