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Dishwashing detergent is unfavorable use

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Total hits: 1048
Posted on: 04/05/16
Some argue that the detergent strong sterilization, disinfection, detergency, put, the more the more clean wash, soak the longer the better the results, in fact this is a misunderstanding. Sold on the market at present the ordinary detergent can automatically eliminate most of the pesticide residue on the surface of the fruits and vegetables, but don't disinfection and sterilization function. Instead soaking time is too long, the bacteria will follow washing residual liquid enters the body. Detergent to wash the tableware must use water rinse after more than two, the detergent concentration should be 0.2 ~ 0.5%, and immersion time according to the different situation of fruit and vegetable epidermis. 

Strawberry is not smooth, such as skin soak 10 seconds, with flowing water washing over and over again. In addition a variety of detergents and disinfectants used mixed use harmful to human body health. Chlorine cleaners (bleaching powder, pure poison) and disinfecting detergent containing acid mixture of lavatory spirit) (or bleaching powder containing ammonia and cleaner share will produce poisonous chlorine gas, cause irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, cause inflammation, lead to poisoning, fatal damage to the body.

We are dish washing liquid manufacturer, we make all kinds of best dish washing liquid. Different flavor, different sizes, different packaging.

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