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The making process of the detergent

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Total hits: 1055
Posted on: 04/02/16
There are many types of liquid detergent formulation, the reference formula is: 10.5 a linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid; AES 8; 6501 two alkyl alcohol amine; Preservatives casson 0.08; Sodium hydroxide 1.3; AEO9 right amount (5 ~ 10, specific to touch condition); EDTA - 2 na 0.1 servings, thickening agent 1 (NaCl); Deionized water is added to 100.
Operation process:
Will quantitative deionized water into the pot, ingredients to join solid alkali under stirring, after being dissolved it slowly add linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid, mixing and pH to 7 ~ 8, in 60 ~ 70 ℃ temperature adding surfactants AES, AEO9, 6501, to join the rest of the fertilizer after dissolving, the clear after add a moderate amount of essence, supplement deionized water.
The 2013-2017 China's detergent market research and outlook report introduces detergent industry in China's overall situation, China's detergent industry development environment, etc., analyze the status of China's detergent market operation, introduces the washing detergent industry in China.

We are dish washing liquid manufacturer, we make all kinds of best dish washing liquid. Different flavor, different sizes, different packaging.

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