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Quick out the mosquito-repellent incense
Although point mosquito repellent to avoid mosquito bites, but the taste is overweight feel hard to breathe, so the mosquito-repellent ... ...

You go to sleep at night some mosquito repellent?

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Total hits: 1079
Posted on: 03/17/16
There are two kinds of common mosquito coils, electric mosquito-repellent incense and mosquito coils. Electric mosquito-repellent incense almost smokeless, released into the air after heating particles is very small, less harmful to human body, is suitable for sealing good space. Electric heating coil and a chip and liquid two, effect is close. When using chip mosquito-repellent incense, can be placed on three or four drops of water, heating after more volatile active components. Release of disc mosquito-repellent incense smoke is larger, the combustion particles are big, will give the user the feeling of passive smoking, so relative to electric mosquito-repellent incense, harm to human body is big, but it is better to kill mosquitoes, suitable for barrack poor impermeability, such as open or half open space use. Use mosquito-repellent incense, it is best round with a few brands, like a mosquito is not easy to produce resistance. But beware, mosquito-repellent incense to be put away from 1 meters outside the human body when sleeping best put mosquito-repellent incense on foot, because if put too close to the position of the head, easy to breathe.

We are mosquito repellent manufacturer ,we make all kinds of best mosquite repellent produtcs, such as electronic mosquito coils. We use the advanced technology for the production of insect repellent products, make it to minimize the impact on people.

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