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Quick out the mosquito-repellent incense
Although point mosquito repellent to avoid mosquito bites, but the taste is overweight feel hard to breathe, so the mosquito-repellent ... ...

Mosquito-repellent incense ash have what use

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Total hits: 973
Posted on: 01/28/16
The mosquito-repellent incense ash pour into a bowl, sprinkle some water, ash in water seeping into the soil, it contains potassium, it is easy to absorbed by plants.

Mosquito-repellent incense to treat athlete's foot with lit mosquito-repellent incense smoked lint athlete's foot, can be gradually except the itching and give a person with comfort;Lint with mosquito-repellent incense ash daub, especially hot mosquito-repellent incense ash, can control athlete's foot disease and treatment, especially to eliminate itching effect is obvious.

Will be old in tomato root upper left an inch even dig out the roots (a plane more spare), the four or five tomato after wash the dirt on the roots, into the pan, add water to boil, put a spoonful of salt, to burn more than 10 minutes, drain off in tomato roots, pour the boiling water in the footbath, with a clean cloth dipped in water to wash feet, to moderate temperatures, and put your feet in the soak 30 minutes in the basin.So washing after three or four times, the foot is no longer itching, blister blister nor bulging, the foot skin is smooth, beriberi which also cause trouble.

First a day with warm salt water to soak the foot 15 minutes, then wash affected area.Ash, reoccupy has just finished on affected area, try to use hot ash.This method need to stick to a period of time.

We are electric mosquito coils manufacturer ,we make all kinds of best mosquite repellent produtcs, such as electronic mosquito repellent. We use the advanced technology for the production of insect repellent products, make it to minimize the impact on people.

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