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Experts Teach You How to Wash Your Hands Properly

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Total hits: 1374
Posted on: 09/05/17

Hand washing liquid contains chemical products, and is used to remove bad smell, less use of hand washing liquid, with much more can stimulate the skin pore, bad to the skin, and most recently the weather is cold, dry and have white, multi-purpose arm guard liquid, skin care products to keep hands wet hands had better not use hand washing liquid.

Hand washing liquids have increasingly replaced the use of soap, either in public or at home.

Myth: There are a lot of mistakes when using hand washing liquids. Many people are afraid that the hand washing liquid is not clean, so press a lot of hand washing liquid, wash it and rub it hard, and it will be used again and again. In fact, such a deep cleansing can damage the skin, leaving the skin not only hydrated but also more likely to allow germs to invade.

Experts correct: when it comes to washing your hands, experts do not recommend using hand washing liquid but rather recommends using soap. If possible, it’s best to bring a small bar of soap in a public place or to sterilize it with a sterile tissue, and try to avoid the use of hand washing liquids.

Wash your hands first when you get home from the outside. It’s best to wash your hands with soap, and the box with soap is best hollowed out to avoid letting the soap soak in the water every day. When choosing the hand washing liquid, it is necessary to choose the hand washing liquid produced by the regular factory in the supermarket, and use it in time according to the expiration date. Every time you press one drop, it is enough. After rubbing the hand repeatedly, rinse the liquid soap with flowing water for more than 15 seconds. After drying hands, it is best to apply protective ointments such as hand cream or vaseline to keep your hands moist.

Don’t wash your hands frequently every day. Wash your hands thoroughly if you come back inside, after the meal, or when you touch the dirt.

The expert reminds: must choose normal manufacturer production of hand washing liquid, because of the unqualified of hand washing liquid coliform bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosin, and staphylococcus aureus, bacteria content exceeds bid, does great harm to human body. For example, Pseudomonas aeruginosin can lead to wound infection, pneumonia and other diseases. Staphylococcus aureus also can cause suppurative infection and sepsis.

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