As a competitor of soap, hand sanitizer is widely used in many homes and public places because it does not produce “cross contamination”. However, some bad or outdated hand sanitizers in public places do not have a thorough cleaning effect, but can contaminate both hands and even cause a variety of diseases.
Therefore, it is worth mentioning that children should not use hand sanitizer freely, and you can try to use our hand soap for kids.
It is understood that hand sanitizer itself is rich in nutrients, and if it is placed too long, it can easily lead to microbial growth and reproduction, gradually developing bubbles, stratification, separation of oil and water, and deodorization. This kind of hand sanitizer, not only does not get clean, sterilization, disinfectant effect, still may pollute the hands, attract germ. In particular, the hand sanitizer box in public places is fixed on the wall, the box does not change, the time is long, the hand sanitizer also can breed bacteria, the long-term accumulation, causes the colony total exceed standard.
Professionals pointed out that when people are using hand sanitizers in public places, first notice that hand sanitizer has stinky, pungent odor. Secondly, it is also important to observe whether hand sanitizer is stratified or oily water separation.
Use hand sanitizer to pay attention to method. With clear water full moisture hands first, apply adequate amount to the hand sanitizer fully knead in the palm hands at least 30 seconds, in the process should pay attention to rub to the fingers, fingers, and let each part of the foam can cover the whole hand. When using hand sanitizer, also is not the more the better, every time when used according to the drop is enough, and after repeated washing, to irrigate with flowing water for 15 seconds or more, so you can put hand sanitizer thoroughly cleaned. While many hand sanitizers contain skin-care ingredients, washing hands frequently during dry seasons can still lead to dry skin in the hands, which can lead to infections of bacteria and bacteria. So after washing your hands, choose a special moisturizer.
Experts remind: wash your hands, use a clean dry towel or paper towel dry, it is best not to dry, because the dryer itself to remove the health conditions, surface water by hand drying and rapid evaporation, easy to cause skin part water loss, also easy to cause the skin dry and bacterial infection.