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Quick out the mosquito-repellent incense
Although point mosquito repellent to avoid mosquito bites, but the taste is overweight feel hard to breathe, so the mosquito-repellent ... ...

Summer mosquito in addition to some mosquito-repellent incense and other methods

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Total hits: 1017
Posted on: 01/03/16
First, respiratory exhaled carbon dioxide is mosquito directional odor source, mosquitoes found by this person, the mouth bite again.The second is the quantity of heat, fat people are more likely to be bitten by a mosquito, dark clothes endothermic, also easy to attract mosquitoes.The third is the waste, the mosquito bites rough pores, sweating more people love.General men than women, youth than old people, healthy people attract mosquitoes more than patient, because the secretion of the skin surface.And metabolism of children strong, also is the mosquito favored object.In addition, when women come to menstruation, secretion produced change, also more attract mosquitoes.Sweat, will be attract mosquitoes, so experts recommend after exercise had better hurry up to take a bath, sweat less, less a mosquito ding.

So, how to prevent mosquito bites?Expert introduction, summer mosquito has five tips: first, in the summer of bath had better use less soap.In general, the mosquitoes like eating the honey dew, therefore, to use perfume, cosmetics, creams and other items of flower fragrance, the increased probability of be bitten by a mosquito.However, not all the fragrance will provoke mosquitoes, such as men commonly used cologne water with sandalwood flavor, can drive midge role.Second, we should eat more vegetables.Some of vegetables contain mosquitoes don't like the smell of, such as contains beta-carotene vegetables and garlic spicy vegetables, after people eat, mosquitoes will stay away from you.Third, wear light-colored clothes.Aedes mosquitoes (also called tinea mosquitoes), the most happy in black clothes.Fourth, try to wear socks.Many girls like barefoot shoes, not wear socks, mosquitoes feel a person's skin moisture, leather table volatiles reduce, will reduce the bites.

We are electric mosquito repellent mat manufacturer ,we make all kinds of best mosquite repellent produtcs, such as electronic mosquito repellent. We use the advanced technology for the production of insect repellent products, make it to minimize the impact on people.

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